Fastcopy v1.62
Fastcopy v1.62

fastcopy v1.62
  1. #FASTCOPY V1.62 HOW TO#

The right choice probably depends on whether your src and dst are usually 64B aligned. Void pack_high8_baseline(uint8_t *_restrict_ dst, const uint16_t *_restrict_ src, size_t bytes) while(dst _m256i packed = _mm512_cvtepi16_epi8(v) might work well, even though it only does 256b stores. clang is *really* sub-optimal with AVX2, gcc no worse Outside of compiler bugs, anything they generate will correctly implement the C semantics of this code, which works for any size and alignment: // gcc and clang both auto-vectorize this sub-optimally with SSE2. Still, letting them auto-vectorize with SSE2 (baseline for x86-64), or with NEON for ARM or whatever, is a good safe way to get some performance without risk of introducing bugs while manually vectorizing. Except they both screw up and waste significant instructions (, ). That's more or less how gcc and clang auto-vectorize this, at -O3. (In that case, nevermind all the stuff about using an unaligned load to replace one of the shifts that's the easy case and you should just use two ANDs to feed a PACKUS.) To zero the high byte in each 16-bit element, use _mm_and_si128(v, _mm_set1_epi16(0x00ff)) instead. In your case, that's probably the high byte of each RGB16 component, discarding the 8 least-significant bits from each color component. But since it saturates instead of discarding bytes you don't want, you have to feed it input with the data you want to keep in the low byte of each 16-bit element. Instead, it's probably a win to use _mm_packus_epi16 ( packuswb). See Convert 8 16 bit SSE register to 8bit data). Use 2 different shuffle control vectors, one that puts the result in the low 64b and one that puts the result in the high 64b. (You could also consider 2x pshufb + por to feed a 16B store, and that could be good on Ryzen. (You'd also bottleneck on shuffle throughput on Intel CPUs since Haswell, which only have one shuffle port and thus one-per clock shuffle throughput). Storing 8 bytes at a time takes more total store instructions than storing 16 bytes at a time. You can use SSSE3 pshufb to grab the bytes you want, but it's only a 1-input shuffle that will give you 8 bytes of output. (Also AVX512BW, and maybe even more with AVX512VBMI, but the first AVX512VBMI CPUs probably won't have a very efficient vpermt2b, a 2-input lane-crossing byte shuffle.) This can be done efficiently using SSE2, AVX, or AVX2 shuffles. (At least within each row of your image if you use a row stride of 16 or 32B, the padding might not be a whole number of pixels.) The problem is just packing every other byte of an array. In some personal tests I ran, I found that files under 500 MB had similar transfer times, but FastCopy started edging out after that.Your RGB data is packed, so we don't actually have to care about pixel boundaries. Everything is so minimal already that to simplify it further would be removing features.


The interface itself is incredibly fact, if you were to ask me how to simplify it further, I genuinely wouldn't know what to suggest. It's laden with jargon that would be familiar with veteran users, but newcomers will likely be lost.

fastcopy v1.62


FastCopy is compatible with Windows 7 and newer versions of Windows. FastCopy version 4 adds several new features to the application, but first the basics.

fastcopy v1.62

However, the terms are now instead incredibly technical, making it difficult for newcomers to use. FastCopy works differently than TeraCopy, another popular file copying tool, as it is a standalone program and does not take over Windows' own copy processes. dir destination: remove debug: fast copy debug output when copying files. The Help file, thankfully, is perfectly legible. A new -v1 default shows new, changed, and deleted files separately instead of. It's possible to understand the general gist of everything, though. It seems like a fully machine translated piece of software. Next, the installer itself had very broken English, and it continued on into FastCopy itself. High school Japanese didn't prepare me for that. I suppose I should have expected it, seeing as the developer's name is Shirouzu Hiroaki, but it made finding the installer very difficult. Fastcopy v1.0 (1982)(Adam, Ken)k-file Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item.


The most noticeable thing I found out when I went to install this program is that it redirected me to a very Japanese website. However, if your computer's already relatively fast at copying files, you'll find little of use here. FastCopy aims to help with the latter issue. The only slowdowns it has are during searches through giant drives.and apparently, copying files. In fact, if you've remembered all your keyboard shortcuts, it works near flawlessly. The default windows explorer does its job pretty well.

Fastcopy v1.62